Speaking Overview
Since 1997, I have presented to well over 100,000 people at hundreds of events. As Founder and CEO of MarketLive, I got the opportunity to speak at just about every event in the eCommerce industry. Some of which were keynote addresses.
Speaking is my absolute passion. I have a very high energy, fast past style that packs a lot of well-organized information into one speech. I work to target the information and overall message to the audience I am speaking to. It is extremely important to me that the audience gets as much out of the speech as is possible.
I speak on a variety of topics including entrepreneurship, starting and growing a business, success in business and in life, and other personal development topics like living an extraordinary life. Feel free to check out check out my Speaking Kit which outlines in more details on some of the speeches / keynote addresses I can give. I also provide customized speeches as well.
If you are interested in having me speak at one of your events, just email at ken@kenburke.com
What People Are Saying
“Ken is a dynamic and energetic speaker who is able to motivate and excite the people in his audience” – Susan Kaseroff, Senior Sales Executive